Track and pace your sales activities

X1 is an online digital sales tool created to optimize your sales
Most of us don’t really like to spend that much time on creating presentations. Powerpoints and PDFs are often hard to send by email due to file size and videos. It take time til find slides in different presentations through your organisations. X1 is a digital sales tool, that prepares the best possible presentations for your clients - fully trackable and GDPR compliant - and will for sure track and pace your sales activities.

Get full tracking of your sales activities

X1 outputs sales presentations as a fully responsive website experience. By sharing an URL to recipients all actions are fully trackable. E.g. when a presentation is opened, if it is shared with someone and if you want to know which slides have been viewed the most. Internally all performance on sales staff and sales content can be monitorized. All tracking is fully GDPR compliant both externally and internally.

Increase pace when creating sales presentations

X1 offers a user-friendly backend where all sales content will be created very easy. A variety of predesigned templates ensure next level presentations that reflect your brand guidelines. When creating presentations in the tools frontend the predesigned categories increase the pace dramatically and grow the number of persons in your organisation who will be able to build presentations.

Ensure consistency in all sales presentations

X1 is spilt in a backend and a frontend part. In the backend you create all the content you need now and ind the future. It reflects 100% your brand guidelines by using logo, corporate fonts, colours, imagery and video footage - all displayed and auto played seamlessly in a cool looking website. It is possible to switch between different languages even while going through the presentation.

Present your company digital and contemporary

X1 a digital tool, that prepares the best possible presentations for your clients in very short time. The presentation is displayed as a full responsive website experience integrating videos and photos in a way, you have not seen before. That ensures 100 pct consistancy in the way you present your company and of course you can track all activity around your recipients behavior.

Software as a service makes your new sales platform future proof

Embrace the power of Software as a Service with X1, and elevate your presentations to new heights. Empower your presentation creation and tracking features, and experience a best-in-class sales tool that includes regularly maintenance and support functions.

Branding as a service will build your brand further

We specialize in building corporate presentations, structuring USPs, and incorporating existing brand assets. Our design team ensures visually stunning and cohesive presentation blocks that captivate your audience. Let us curate captivating imagery and video material, and train key individuals in your organization. Trust X1 to elevate your brand and leave a lasting impression.